Among the many topics I photograph is school kids, and my portfolio leans more toward girls than boys. Why? At least part of the answer, I think, is that girls tend to be gentler, kinder, and more inspiring. Also, I can’t recall ever being attacked or shot at by a school girl, or given the middle finger. Boys, on the other hand, while often wonderful, can aggravate the hell out of me. In Syria a boy once shot me in the back of my head with a pellet gun. A Tibetan novice once shot me too. Girls have never thrown firecrackers at me (Mexico), rocks at me (Palestine), or ordered their dog to attack me (Israeli settlement). Boys have.
There’s a lot of beauty in the world, and it’s often best seen on young faces, and in watching young people interact with one another. No offense to boys — I may eventually dedicate a post to you too — but, well, ladies first. Here are a few photos of girls taken in 2017.