I met Saro Saryan on a chilly September evening in 2016, when the taxi a friend and I were riding in pulled off a rough and torn-up road in Shushi, Nagorno-Karabakh, and into the drive of his home and guesthouse — called Saro’s Guesthouse — where we hoped he might have room for people with no reservations. […]
Connected To All Outside The Airplane Window
Travel long and far enough and over time you’ll have looked out several airplane windows. Through the oval frame you will have seen the glaciers of Alaska and the rice fields of Bali, the Pyramids of Giza and the temples of Bangkok. You’ll have gazed upon the White House in winter, the Eiffel Tower the […]
Voices: Annika from Lapland, Finland
On September 29, 2013, I was wandering through the picturesque streets of Mostar, in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and in rounding one bend I saw the Crooked Bridge. It was mentioned in my guidebook: the centuries-old structure had been destroyed by a flood in 2000 and reconstructed the following year at the initiative of UNESCO. It’s […]
10 D-Day Related Places To Visit In Normandy, France
From whatever vantage point one is to view the Allied invasion of Normandy on June 6, 1944, the view exercises the mind and is not easily comprehended. The eyes of a pilot flying one of the 13,000 aircraft, the eyes of a naval officer commanding one of the more than 5,000 vessels, the eyes of […]